Franco Andreas Martin

Devops Engineer - Solutions Architect


Here are some of the technologies I use most frequently and some cool things I've done with them.


Cool Stuff

Below you will find some cool demos about things I have been working with recently.


Kubernetes Image Migration

A simple tool to migrate kubernetes images to a private registry.


Opensearch Cluster Monitor

Since there are no built-in capabilities to monitor a cluster, I had to build one


Opensearch Snapshot Manager

Managing snapshots can be problematic, here is a simple way of automating it


Kubernetes Image Monitor

When managing clusters, it can be hard to track what registries and images are in use. This can be helpful to identify unwanted dependencies with public registries.


Container Image Tree Administrator

When developing container based applications, tracking software and security updates is not a trivial task.

In order to manage these upgrades, I've built this tool that identifies changes in parent images and updates downstream images with those changes


Self Managed DNS with Healthchecks

Scaling out load balancers and maintaining high availability for a self managed kubernetes cluster using self-managed tools gave me the chance to develop this awesome application that leverages CoreDNS, etcd and python to run healthchecks on applications and change DNS records to add or remove IP addresses to and from A records.


Below you will my latest publications. If you'd like to read more, visit my Medium Profile